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env-soft:projectoutline [2014/09/30 14:14]
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-[[:​env-model| [back] ]] 
-====== FINAL PROJECT ====== 
-  * **Class:** Muenster 2014 
-  * Prof. Dr. Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro 
-===== Outline ===== 
-Students should work in pairs to **implement**,​ **evaluate** and **document** a spatially-explicit (2D) model using the TerraME platform. The model could be implemented based on the Cellular Automata (CA) or Agent modelling paradigm. \\  
-  * Models implemented in other platforms will be not accepted.  ​ 
-  * Models studied during the classes will be not accepted. ​ 
-  * Students MUST choose a model from the list below: 
-  ​ 
-^ Group ^ Students ^ Model title ^ Model link to use JUST as a reference ^ Seminar | 
-| munster1 | Colin & Stjepan | [[env-model:​finalproject:​terminte | Termites ]] | https://​​p/​repast-demos/​wiki/​Termites ​ | Tuesday - 11:00 | 
-| |  | Ethnocentrism | https://​​p/​repast-demos/​wiki/​Ethnocentrism | | 
-| munster2 | Javi & Fesseha | [[ env-model:​finalproject:​ant | Ants ]]         | http://​​netlogo/​models/​Ants | Thursday - 11:45 | 
-| munster3 | Nouhran & Aida & Shahin| [[ env-model:​finalproject:​daisy | 2D Daisy World ]] | http://​​netlogo/​models/​Daisyworld | Thursday - 11:30 | 
-| |  | Altruism ​     | http://​​netlogo/​models/​Altruism | | 
-| munster4 | Jesus & Sergi  | [[ env-model:​finalproject:​camouflage | Bug Hunt Camouflage]] | http://​​netlogo/​models/​BugHuntCamouflage | Thursday - 10:00 | 
-| munster8 | Merret | [[env-model:​finalproject:​cooperation | Cooperation]] | http://​​netlogo/​models/​Cooperation | Thursday - 9:45| 
-| munster5 | Miguel & Tigabu | [[ env-model:​finalproject:​fireflies | Fireflies ]] |http://​​netlogo/​models/​Fireflies |  Thursday - 10:30| 
-| munster6 | Karina & Gohar | [[ env-model:​finalproject:​flocking | Flocking ]]      | http://​​netlogo/​models/​Flocking | Thursday - 10:45 | 
-| munster7 | Linda & Ondrej | [[ env-model:​finalproject:​heatingbugs | Heating Bugs ]] | http://​​netlogo/​models/​Heatbugs | Thursday - 9:15 | 
-| | | Rabbit, Grass & Weeds | http://​​netlogo/​models/​RabbitsGrassWeeds |  | 
-| munster9 | Yasmine & John | [[env-model:​finalproject:​soliddiffusion | Solid diffusion ]] | http://​​netlogo/​models/​SolidDiffusion | Thursday - 11:00 | 
-| |  | Guinding Bots | https://​​p/​repast-demos/​wiki/​GuidingBots | 
-| munster10 | Srinivasa & Milan  | [[ env-model:​finalproject:​climatechange | Climate Change ]] | http://​​netlogo/​models/​ClimateChange | Thursday - 11:15 | 
-| |  | Erosion ​       | http://​​netlogo/​models/​Erosion | | 
-| munster11 | Yusi & Daniel ​ | [[ env-model:​finalproject:​percolation | Percolation ]] | http://​​netlogo/​models/​Percolation | Thursday - 10:15 | 
-| |  | Mark and walk | https://​​p/​repast-demos/​wiki/​MarkAndWalk |  | 
-| munster12 | Germán & Albert ​ | [[ env-model:​finalproject:​rebellion |  Rebellion ]] | https://​​p/​repast-demos/​wiki/​Rebellion | Thursday - 9:30 | 
-| |  | Stupid Model | https://​​p/​repast-demos/​wiki/​StupidModel |  | 
-===== Deadline ===== 
-  * All deliverables should be accomplished BEFORE the class on 13th August, Wednesday. 
-  ​ 
-===== Deliverables ===== 
-  - Documented model source code 
-  - Model wiki page following this format: [[env-model:​projecttemplate |  page template]]. 
-  - Simulation analysis & evaluation ​ 
-===== Grade Criteria ===== 
-  * 10% - Quality of the seminar 
-  * 10% - Quality of the model source code (code indentation,​ respect to nomenclature rules, structure, legibility) 
-  * 10% - Documentation of the model source code  
-  * 20% - Correctness of the model implementation 
-  * 20% - Quality of the wiki page and of the model analysis/​evaluation 
-  * 30% - Model workload & Team effort ​ 
env-soft/projectoutline.1412097268.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/30 14:14 by tiago