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env-soft:classes:first2014 [2014/09/30 14:03]
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-====== Classes 2014 (first) ====== 
-^Date  ^  Lecture  ​                 ^  Models ​                 ^ Description ^ Exercise | 
-^Get ready to be a modeler...| 
-| 21/​7|{{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class1:​lecture-introd.ppt|Introduction}} ​  ​| ​      | **Invited speaker:** [[http://​​gilberto/​|Prof.Dr. Gilberto Camara]]| **At home:** Read Chapter 1 from the book "​Environmental Modelling: Finding Simplicity in Complexity"​ \\ **At home:** Read the position paper {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​papers:​ten_steps_model_devel_eval_2006.pdf | Ten iterative steps in development and evaluation of environmental models}} \\ ** There will be an exam on next Friday, from 11:00 to 12:00.** | 
-| 22/​7|{{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class2:​course_notices.pptx|Notices}} | | Learn with drag and drop programming. | [[http://​​api/​hour/​begin/​codeorg|Hour of Code - Beginners]] and \\ [[http://​​api/​hour/​begin/​lightbot|Hour of Code - LightBot]] \\ You like games? See this: [[http://​​ | Lua fo WoW]]. \\ \\ **At home:** Install //TerraME// for the next class! If you want also install the //MySQL Community// database server (version 5.5.38 tested). For classes we will use the one availabe on the University network (| 
-| 23/​7|[[http://​|TerraME online]] |  | - Setting up TerraME bundle: \\ (1) TerraME **1.3.0**, \\ (2) [[http://​​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​tok=700693&​ | TerraView]] **4.2.0** and \\ (3) Crinson Text Editor \\ - Hello world in [[hhtp://​|Lua]] programming language| **At home:** (1) Read {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class3:​luaforterrame-ashortintroduction2.pdf|Lua for TerraME: A short introduction}} \\ (2) Study [[ http://​​~fabiom/​lua/​| homework]] 1 for the next class. You may learn lots of Lua programming on this page. If you need more... :-P  Homework 2 is for advanced users! Homework 3 is for master of Lua. Homework 4 is for professional programmers who wants to export C and C++ API to Lua programming languague. ​ | 
-| 24/​7|{{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class3:​mr_worm_lua.pptx | Mr. Worm}}, \\ {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class4:​1-lua-for-terrame.ppt|Lua for TerraME}} and \\ [[ http://​​demo.html | Play with Lua online]] ​ |(1) {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class3:​|Mr Worm scripts}} \\ (2) {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class4:​|Lua scripts}} \\ (3) [[ http://​​~fabiom/​lua/​homework1.html | Homework]] 1 | - Introdution to Lua programming \\ - Types: nil, number, boolean, string, table, function| **At home:** Solve these exercises for the next class: {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class4:​exercise-lua_programs.pdf|Programming in Lua}}. \\ ** Compress your codes in a ZIP file. Give your name to the file. Email me the file // BEFORE // the next class. ** \\ You may find the [[ http://​​manual/​5.2/​ | Lua Reference Manual]] very  useful | 
-| 25/07 | Let's do it together: [[ http://​​~fabiom/​lua/​homework1.html | Homework]] 1 and \\ {{ env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class4:​exercise-lua_programs.pdf | Solving Lua exercices}} ​            ​| ​        | Review on Lua programing. | | 
-^  System Dynamics ...| 
-| 28/07 | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class6:​0-modeling_basics.ppt|Modelling basics}} ​            ​| ​        | Review on modelling theory. | ** Experiment 1: **{{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class6:​bottle_experiment_and_play_with_math.xlsx | Water in a bottle.}}| 
-| 29/07 | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class7:​1-model_development.ppt | Introduction to model development}} |         | Review on the model development process | **Experiment 2:​**{{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class6:​bottle_experiment_and_play_with_math.xlsx | Play with Maths.}} \\  ** At home: ** Read the paper "An extensible toolbox for modeling nature-society interactions"​ (about TerraME)| 
-| 30/07 | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class8:​2-systems-theory.ppt | Introduction to system theory}} | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class8:​ | System theory scripts}} | Review on the General System Theory | ** At home: ** {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class9:​dynamic_systems_exercises1.pdf | Exercises for the next class}}| 
-| 31/07 | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class8:​2-systems-theory.ppt | Introduction to system dynamics}}(same as above) | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class8:​ | System theory scripts}} (same as above) | Review on stochatics systems, dynamic equilibrium & System Dynamics. | ** At home: ** Exercises for the next class (the same as above)| 
-| 01/08 | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class9:​lecture-predator-prey.ppt | Prey-predator model }} \\ Pratice, pratice & pratice... | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class9:​ | Continuous systems scripts}} \\ {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class9:​ | Epidemics scripts }} | Integration methods are ready to use in TerraME, even for coupled systems. They are fast and precise. | ** At home: ** {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class9:​exercise-epidemics.pdf | Exercises on epidemics simulation }} - ** Compress your code in a ZIP file. Give your name to the file. Email me the file // BEFORE // the class on 06/08. ** This presentation can be useful: {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class9:​lecture-epidemics.ppt | SIR models }}.| 
-^  Cellular Automata modelling ...| 
-| 04/08 | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class10:​lecture-mono-lake.ppt | Mono Lake model }} \\ ( {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class10:​ford_modelling_environment_mono_lake.pdf | Chapter 4 }} ) \\ {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class10:​lecture-cellular-automata.ppt | CA models }} \\ ** First exame **|  {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class10:​ | Mono Lake scripts}} \\ {{ terralab:​curso:​envsoft:​class10:​ | Game of Life }} | - Simulating the use of renewable resources \\ - Introducition to Cellular Automata | ** At home: ** Read the paper "An extensible toolbox for modeling nature-society interactions"​ (about TerraME - see the "​Papers"​ section in this page) | 
-| 05/08 | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class10:​lecture-cellular-automata.ppt | CA models }} \\ (same as above) \\ {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class11:​lecture-fire-in-the-forest.ppt | Fire spreading CA }} | {{ terralab:​curso:​envsoft:​class11:​ | Fire spreading code }} | - Introducition to Cellular Automata \\ - Simulating diffusive spatial processes | ** At home: ** (1) {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class11:​ | Exercises on diffusive processes. }} ** Write your answers in a PDF. Give your name to the file. Email me the file // BEFORE // the class on 06/08 - TOMORROW. ** \\ (2) Email me the exercises for "​Temperature Control & Feedbacks in a Heat System"​. ** Compress your codes in a ZIP file. Give your name to the file. Email me the file // BEFORE // the class on 06/08 - TOMORROW. **  \\ (3) {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class11:​exercise-fire-in-the-forest.pdf | Exercises on diffusive processes }} ** Compress your code in a ZIP file. Give your name to the file. Email me the file // BEFORE // the class on 07/08. ** | 
-| 06/08 | - Fire in {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class12:​ | geodatabases}}. \\ - {{ env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class12:​lecture-hydrological-model.ppt | Rain drainage models }} in a  {{ env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class12:​ | real topography }} \\ - Spatial prey-predator model | - {{ env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class12:​ | Fire spreading code}}\\ - {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class12:​ | Rain drainage codes }} \\  - {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class13:​ | Spatial prey-predator codes }}  | - How to build cellular spaces using the TerraView GIS and use it within TerraME models \\ - Continuous CA| ** At home: ** Final Project :!: | 
-^ Agent based modelling... | 
-| 07/08 | - {{ env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class15:​lecture-agent-based-modelling.ppt | Agent based models }} \\ - Segregation models | {{env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class15:​ | Schelling'​s agent codes }} |  | ** At home: ** Final project | 
-| 08/08 | {{ env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class14:​terrame_putting_all_together.ppt | TerraME - Putting all together }} | {{ env-soft:​classes:​first2014:​class15:​ ​ | ABM basics code }} | Multiscale spatially-explicit modelling in TerraME | ** At home: ** Final project | 
env-soft/classes/first2014.1412096590.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/30 14:03 by tiago