You are in [[ | Geoinformatics - Creative Commons]] :: Introduction to Earth System Science Modelling :: Classes 2016 ===== CST-317: Introduction to Earth System Modelling (INPE Course 2016) ===== * Professors: Pedro R. Andrade,[[|Gilberto Câmara]] * Lectures: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10h00, Room 12, 1st floor, CCST building ===== References ===== * Modeling the Environment (2nd edition), Andrew Ford. Island Press, 2010. * Thinking in Systems, Donella Meadows, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008. * Complex Adaptive Systems: An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life, John H. Miller & Scott Page, Princeton University Press, 2007. * Agent-based models of geographical systems, editors: Heppenstall, A.J., Crooks, A.T., See, L.M., Batty, M., Springer-Verlag, 2012. ===== Classes ===== ^ ^ Title ^ Models ^ Scenarios ^ Concepts ^ Exercises | |1 |{{|Introduction}}| | | | | |2 |{{:cst-317:1-lua-for-terrame.ppt|Lua for TerraME}} | {{|Lua scripts}} | | nil, number, boolean, string, table, function | {{:cst-317:exercicios-lua.pdf|Lua exercises}} | |3 |{{:cst-317:2-system-dynamics.ppt|Systems Dynamics}} | {{|Tub}} (sysdyn) | {{|tub-scenarios}} (sysdyn) | Model, Event, Timer, Chart | {{:cst-317:exercise1.pdf|Water in the Dam}} | |4 | {{:cst-317:3-feedbacks.ppt|Feedbacks}} | {{|Coffee}}, {{|PopulationGrowth}} (sysdyn) | {{|coffee-scenarios}}, {{|population-scenarios-1}}, {{|population-scenarios-2}} (sysdyn) | Environment, instance of Model | |5 | {{:cst-317:4-epidemics.ppt|Epidemics}} | {{|SIR}} (sysdyn) | {{|infection-scenarios-1}}, {{|infection-scenarios-2}}, {{|infection-scenarios-3}} (sysdyn) | | |6 | {{:cst-317:5-predator-prey.ppt|Predator-Prey}} | {{|PredatorPrey}} (sysdyn) | | | |7 | {{:cst-317:6-daisyworld.ppt|Daisyworld}} | {{|Daisyworld}} (sysdyn) | {{|daisy-calibration}} (calibration)| MultipleRuns (calibration) | |8 | {{:cst-317:7-calibration.ppt|Calibration}} | {{|PredatorPrey}} (sysdyn) | | | {{:cst-317:exercise2.pdf|Exploring SIR Model}}| |9 | {{:cst-317:8-cellular-automaton.ppt|Cellular Automata}} | {{|Life}} (ca) | |Cell, CellularSpace, Neighborhood, Map, Random | | |10| {{:cst-317:9-fire-in-the-forest.ppt|Fire in the Forest}} | {{|Fire}} (ca) | | | {{:cst-317:exercise3.pdf|Fire in the Forest}}| |11| {{:cst-317:10-runoff.ppt|Runoff}} | {{|Runoff}} (terralib) | | | |12| {{:cst-317:11-geospatial-data.ppt|Geospatial data}} | | | Project, Layer (terralib) | | |13| {{:cst-317:12-deforestation.ppt|Deforestation}} | {{|}}| | Trajectory | {{:cst-317:exercise4.pdf|Deforestation}}, {{|database}}| |14| {{|Agent-Based Modelling}} | | | Agent, Society, Group| {{|Butterfly Model}}, {{|Butterfly Paper}}| |15| {{:cst-317:14-sugarscape.ppt|Sugarscape}}| | | | |16| {{:cst-317:15-predator-prey.ppt|Predator Prey}} | {{|PredatorPrey}}| | | ===== Additional Reading ===== * {{|Wood, A. J., G. J. Ackland, J. G. Dyke, H. T. P. Williams, and T. M. Lenton (2008), Daisyworld: A review, Rev. Geophys., 46, RG1001}}. * W. von Bloh. Daisyworld: a tutorial approach to geophysiological modelling [[]] * {{|Schelling, T. C. (1971). Dynamic models of segregation. Journal of mathematical sociology, 1(2), 143-186.}} (check also for its variations in the literature) * {{|Timothy M. Lenton(1998). Gaia and Natural Selection. Nature 394, 439-447 (30 July 1998)}} * {{| Nowak MA & Sigmund K (2000), Games on Grids}}. In: The Geometry of Ecological Interactions: Simplifying Spatial Complexity, eds. Dieckmann U, Law R & Metz JAJ, pp. 135–150. Cambridge UniversityPress. ===== Papers for Final Projects ===== The final project consists of an implementation and discussion of one of the models available [[|here]] or the following papers. | | {{|Pires, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2016), The Geography of Conflict Diamonds: The Case of Sierra Leone}} (see also the model in the {{ site)}} | | Diogo, Rolf e João | {{|J. Silvertown, S. Holtier, J. Johnson and P. Dale (1992) Cellular Automaton Models of Interspecific Competition for Space-The Effect of Pattern on Process. Journal of Ecology, 80(3):527-533}}| | | {{|S. G. Berjak, J. W. Hearne (2002) An improved cellular automaton model for simulating fire in a spatially heterogeneous Savanna system. Ecological Modelling 148(2):133–15}}| | | {{|G.Ch Sirakoulis, I. Karafyllidis, A. Thanailakis (2000) A cellular automaton model for the effects of population movement and vaccination on epidemic propagation. Ecological Modelling 133(3): 209–223}}| | | {{|C. Beauchemina, J. Samuelb, J. Tuszynskia (2005) A simple cellular automaton model for influenza A viral infections. Journal of Theoretical Biology 232(2) 223–234}}| | Cassia e Kelly| {{|Medeiros, L. C., Castilho, C. A. R., Braga, C., de Souza, W. V., Regis, L., Monteiro, A. M. V. (2011). Modeling the dynamic transmission of dengue fever: investigating disease persistence. PLOS neglected tropical diseases, 5(1), e942.}}| | | {{|H. Nakanishi (1990) Cellular-automaton model of earthquakes with deterministic dynamics. Phys. Rev. A 41:7086–7089}}| | | {{| R. Toivonen, J. Onnela, J. Saramaki, J. Hyvonen, K. Kaski (2006) A model for social networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 371(2):851–860}}| | | {{|Barros, J. Urban Growth in Latin American Cities. PhD thesis, CASA/UCL}} | | Frederico e André | {{|Sex, Culture and Conflict in SugarScape}}. From J Epstein, R. Axtell, Growing Artificial Societies: Social Science from the Bottom Up. MIT Press, 1996.| | | {{|Trade in SugarScape}}. From J Epstein, R. Axtell, Growing Artificial Societies: Social Science from the Bottom Up. MIT Press, 1996.| | | {{|S Heckbert (2013). MayaSim: An agent-based model of the ancient Maya social-ecological system.}}{{| Available in CoMSES Computational Model Library.}}| | |{{| R Axelrod (1997). “The dissemination of culture - A model with local convergence and global polarization.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 41: 203-226.Replicated in CoMSES Computational Model Library.}}| | | {{|J Pepper and B Smuts (2000). The evolution of cooperation in an ecological context: an agent-based model. Replicated in CoMSES Computational Model Library.}}| | | {{|K Kahn (2013) A model of the Spanish Flu Pandemic. Available in CoMSES Computational Model Library.}}| | | {{|Schindler J (2012) A simple Multi-Agent System of the Tragedy Of the Commons. Available in CoMSES Computational Model Library.}}| | | {{| A K Knittel, R Riolo and R Snow (2011). Development and evaluation of an agent-based model of sexual partnership. Adaptive Behavior (available at CoMSES Computational Model Library.}}|. | | {{| M Janssen and N.D. Rollins (2012). Evolution of cooperation in asymmetric commons dilemmas. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 81: 220-229. Available in CoMSES Computational Model Library).}}| | | {{|Axtell, Epstein, et al. (2002) Population Growth and Collapse in a Multi-Agent Model of the Kayenta Anasazi in Long House Valley. PNAS 99(3): 7275-7279. Replicated in M Janssen and available in CoMSES Computational Model Library.}}| | | {{|G.Ch Sirakoulis, I. Karafyllidis, A. Thanailakis (2000) A cellular automaton model for the effects of population movement and vaccination on epidemic propagation. Ecological Modelling 133(3): 209–223}}| | | {{|S. Hoya White, A. Martín del Rey, G. Rodríguez Sánchez(2007), Modeling epidemics using cellular automata. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 186(1):193-202}}| | | {{| F. Feitosa, A.M. Monteiro, Urban Conventions and Residential Location Choice. CAMUSS Conference (Cellular Automata Modeling forUrban and Spatial Systems 2012)}}| | | Almeida, Rodolfo Maduro, and Elbert EN Macau. "Stochastic cellular automata model for wildland fire spread dynamics." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 285. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2011.| | | de Bakker MP, de Jong K, Schmitz O, Karssenberg D. Design and demonstration of a data model to integrate agent-based and field-based modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software. 2017 Mar 31;89:172-89.| | |[[|Brian's Brain]] | | | Fisch, Robert, Janko Gravner, and David Griffeath. "Threshold-range scaling of excitable cellular automata." Statistics and Computing 1.1 (1991): 23-39. | | | Fisch, Robert. "Clustering in the one-dimensional three-color cyclic cellular automaton." The Annals of Probability (1992): 1528-1548. | | | [[|Li, Wentian. "Complex patterns generated by next nearest neighbors cellular automata." Computers & Graphics 13.4 (1989): 531-537.]] | | | Chate, H. & Manneville, P. (1990). Criticality in cellular automata. Physica D (45), 122-135.| | | Li, W., Packard, N., & Langton, C. (1990). Transition Phenomena in Cellular Automata Rule Space. Physica D (45), 77-94. | | | [[–Zhabotinsky_reaction|Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction]]| | | Colasanti, R. L., R. Hunt, and L. Watrud. "A simple cellular automaton model for high-level vegetation dynamics." Ecological Modelling 203.3 (2007): 363-374.| | | [[;jsessionid=CB3EA777DE19841D563DC6241FA916B6?doi=|Scherer A. & McLean A., (2002) Mathematical models of vaccination, British Medical Bulletin 2002;62 187-199.]] | ===== Papers for Final Projects: Secondary Choices ===== You can also choose from the following papers if you did not find a suitable paper in the above list. | | {{|H. Balzter, P. W. Braun, W. Köhler (1998) Cellular automata models for vegetation dynamics. Ecological Modelling 107(2-3):113-125}}| | | {{|S Bandini, F Celada, S Manzoni, G Vizzari (2007). Modelling the immune system: the case of situated cellular agents, Natural Computing, 6(1):19-32.}}| | | {{|S. Yassemi, S. Dragićevića, M. Schmidt(2008), Design and implementation of an integrated GIS-based cellular automata model to characterize forest fire behaviour , Ecological Modelling, 210(1–2), 71–84}}| | | {{|S Bergin (2012). Torsten Hägerstrand’s Spatial Innovation Diffusion Model. Available in CoMSES Computational Model Library.}}| | Ricardo, Ana e Karina | {{|D. L. Dunkerley (1997) Banded vegetation: development under uniform rainfall from a simple cellular automaton model. Plant Ecology 129(2):103-111}}| | | {{|D.L Dunkerley (1997) Banded vegetation: survival under drought and grazing pressure based on a simple cellular automaton model. Journal of Arid Environments 35(3):419–428}}| | | {{:env-model:classes:first2014:finalproject:jager-amblard-attitude-change.pdf|Jager, Wander, and Frédéric Amblard. "Uniformity, bipolarization and pluriformity captured as generic stylized behavior with an agent-based simulation model of attitude change." Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 10.4 (2005): 295-303.}}|